Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Surprise At the Door

At 1:00 am eastern time we heard a scratch and meow at the door. Now I thought maybe the neighbors cat got out somehow but it wasn't. At the door was a beautiful kitten. She's black and white and full of personality, super friendly and lovable. Now what makes this so funny to us is we live on the 2nd floor of an apartment building. and she found our door. Anyway my daughter has wanted a cat again since we moved ( had to give up other cats since we couldnt travel with them )
 So I texted the landlord and he approved us to keep her  YEAH!!! We decided to name her Bella.  Here's her picture.


Choc Mint Girl said...

Yay! Bella has a new home... We got a new Kitty in last Dec as well... Super active and playful hehehe...

Amel said...

That's GREAT that your landlord has allowed you to keep her. Bella is a nice name! :-D