Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New fork in my Journey & Chicken Nugget Recipe

  First thing I want to do before my actual post is send out prayers to all in Japan in this devastating time they are in right now.

  Now on to my post. I haven't posted in awhile but that's because I have been so busy getting things set up to go to school. I start cosmetology classes April 18th. during the evening time first, till the kids are out of school then I'm going to days. I'm so excited and yet so nervous at the same time. As I progress in classes I will post pictures. I get my full kit, 5 study books and 5 dummy heads to work with. I have wanted to go back to school for so long now that the timing feels right.

  I've been also taking nutrition classes at the Red Cross for the last 6 weeks and I learned several new recipes and lots of information I needed to know or needed refreshed on. Here is one of the recipes I learned in that class. Both my kids love this recipe.

Oven Baked Chicken Nuggets

1                egg
2 tbls          milk
3 1/2 cups    cornflakes, crushed
1 pound       boneless, skinless chicken breasts;
                  cut into nugget size
1/4 cup        barbeque sauce, ketchup, mustard for dipping sauce
Non-stick cooking spray


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
2. Whisk the egg and milk together in a small mixing bowl w/ a fork.
3. Place cornflakes in a plastic bag; crush.
4. Dip chicken pieces in egg mixture, then shake with cornflakes to coat.
5. Put coated chicken on a baking sheet coated with non stick cooking spray
6. Carefully place pan in oven and bake for 15 minutes.
7. Carefully remove the baking pan from oven and serve with dipping sauce of choice.

*experiment with different spices such as italian seasoning, garlic lemon pepper, paprika, soy sauce etc.....


Amel said...

They look nice, but ironically over here it's cheaper to buy ready-made frozen nuggets compared to buying fresh chicken breasts.

Amel said...

Oh yeah, forgot to say: ENJOY the classes and I look forward to seeing the pics! :-D