Thursday, May 19, 2011

I Started My Cosmetology Classes

I started my cosmetology classes on April 18th. and I really love it. The first thing I learned so far was basic perming. I did pretty well but need to practice rolling the rods with more even tension. Now we are studying roller sets and the technical stuff on hair designs. Here are a couple photos of the roller set I had to design myself. I thought the hair was completely dry and it wasn't so part of it didn't stay curled but the basic concept is there.
I'm gonna keep practicing and I want to alter my design some.

In class one day last week we were taught the basics of pin curls and I wanted to practice on Faith's hair  and here's how it turned out.
We haven't studied nails yet but I have been practicing on my own and I tried applying the nail tips with acrylic and trying easy designs and here's how it turned out. The ladybug nails I did, the other design was painted by a friend in class,but I redid the acrylic myself.

Here is a picture of Faith's nails that I painted.

So far I am making good grades. I have gotten all 100's on my roller sets. I'll update more later.

1 comment:

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is so wonderful and brings back good memories for me.
Pin curls...who really uses them anymore?? And perms..can you believe I still have a HUGE bag of those ancient rollers...and yes, they were always a pain to roll.
Your nail designs looks amazing!!!
Keep up the good work.